Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
99 lines
name vmode
page 55,132
title 'VMODE --- Set PC Video Mode'
; VMODE utility to set display
; mode on IBM Personal Coeputer
; Ray Duncan, July 1983 (Transcribed from Sept 1983 Softtalk p.181)
input equ 080h ;address of command tail
;buffer (set up by DOS)
blank equ 20h ;ASCII blank code
cr equ 0dh ;ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ;ASCII line feed
cseg segment byte
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
org 100h
vmode: ;initialize DI to the
;address of the input buffer
mov di,offset input
mov al,[di] ;check if any command tail
or al,al ;and exit if not
jz vmode7
mov al,blank ;load ASCII blank for scan
inc di ;increment address in DI
;past the input count byte
mov cx,80 ;scan max of 80 chars.
cld ;clear direction flag
repz scasb ;look for first non-blank
;character in input buffer
jz vmode7 ;jump if none found
;load the non-blank char.,
;use offset 0f -1 since DI
;will be pointing past it
mov al,-1[di]
cmp al,cr ;if first non-blank char
;was RETURN, mode was missing
jz vmode7 ;so go print error message
cmp al,'0' ;make sure it is range 0-7
jb vmode8 ;exit if ASCII code is <'0'
cmp al,'7' ;compare for '7'
ja vmode8 ;exit if ASCII code >'7'
mov vmodeb,al ;store mode number into
;output string
and al,0fh ;mask off upper four bits
;of character. to get 0-7
push ax ;save mode for later
xor bx,bx ;zero BX
mov es,bx ;set ES=zero
mov bx,410h ;set BX=addr of DOS's
;equipment flags word
cmp al,7 ;check if monochrome
;or graphics board
mov al,30h ;assume monochrome
jz vmode6
mov al,20h ;no, was graphics board
vmode6: ;mask off the old
;display equipment flags
and byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh
;merge in the proper flag
;for the newly selected display
or es:[bx],al
pop ax ;recover mode
xor ah,ah ;force AH=zero
int 10h ;and call ROM BIOS
;to set new display,
;go print success message,
;and exit
mov dx,offset vmodea
jmp short vmode9
vmode7: ;print "missing mode number"
mov dx,offset vmodec
jmp short vmode9
vmode8: ;print "illegal mode number"
mov dx,offset vmoded
vmode9: ;print the message whose
;address is in reg DX
mov ah,9 ;function 9 = print string
int 21h ;call DOS to print
;and exit back to DOS
int 20h
vmodea db cr,lf
db 'Video mode set to '
vmodeb db ' ',cr,lf,'$'
vmodec db cr,lf
db 'Missing mode number '
db cr,lf,'$'
vmoded db cr,lf
db 'Illegal mode number '
db cr,lf,'$'
cseg ends
end vmode